tools & tips for HOW TO have effective conversations ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH AT WORK
Supporting Mental Health at Work: What Leaders Can Do—and What They Shouldn’t
We talk a lot about what leaders are responsible for, but we rarely mention what they aren't. In this article, Melissa will encourage and guide you to expand that conversation, especially when it comes to mental health in the workplace.
Why Leaders Must Learn Conversational Literacy for Mental Health at Work
We know that leaders genuinely want to have mental health conversations at work, but they don't know how! Enter our new—and the first ever—Mental Health at Work Conversational Literacy® - Leadership Training Program from Melissa Doman LLC. This is the leadership training lifeline your company has been searching for, so buckle up!
The Rise of Self-Diagnosis: Understanding the Impact on Mental Health at Work Conversations
With the rise of self-diagnosis in mental health disorders and learning disabilities, it's important to understand how this can impact conversations in the workplace. In this article, Organizational Psychologist and Mental Health At Work Specialist, Melissa Doman, M.A. shares how you can approach these challenging conversations, especially intergenerationally, with the right awareness, language, and training.
The High-Stress Hustle: Badge of Honor or Burning Out?
Let's talk about stress at work. Is weathering excessive pressures a testament to your grit, a badge of honor you wear with pride? Or is work-related stress a sign of self-sacrifice, slowly eroding your well-being for the sake of the almighty paycheck or even your sense of pride? Let's explore.
Navigating the Fine Line Between Toxic Positivity and Constructive Hope in the Workplace
Let's face it, work can be a rollercoaster of high-intensity emotions. From performance expectations to navigating clashes within your team, negative emotions are bound to surface. And in our quest to create a supportive work environment where positive emotions abound, sometimes the good intentions to foster a culture of joy don't quite land.
Sustaining Mental Health Conversations at Work: Why It Matters and How to Do It Right
In today’s business world, our conversations around mental health often get relegated to a once-a-year affair during Mental Health Awareness Month. Discover five practical solutions you can implement this year to put your company ahead of the curve when it comes to mental health at work.
Authentic Approaches to Mental Health at Work in 2024
Struggling to start mental health conversations in your business? This article provides helpful tips on how to effectively start the conversation about mental health in your company and create real change.
Addressing Workplace Bullying Around the Israel-Hamas War
Is your business struggling with division and workplace bullying around the Israel-Hamas war? This article provides helpful tips and tools on how to address workplace bullying about the Israel-Hamas war and why it’s important to manage these conflicts.
The Importance of Honest Workplace Conversations Post-Layoff
Struggling to have honest conversations in your business post-layoff? This article provides helpful tips on why and how to have honest conversations in your business after a layoff.
Lonely “at the top”? How and why to talk about your mental health as a CEO.
Are you a CEO struggling with the pressures of leadership and mental health? This article provides helpful tips on why talking about mental health at work as a CEO is crucial and how it can benefit both you and your team.
How to Talk to Your Manager About Unrealistic Expectations At Work.
Are you feeling burnt out at work due to unrealistic expectations? This article provides helpful tips on how to talk to your manager about your concerns and find solutions to manage workplace stress.
Why Effective Organizational Communication Matters for Mental Health At Work
Effective communication about mental health at work means aiming for open and clear communication about what the primary goal is when trying to create a change in how, when, and where people have these conversations. Read this article to learn tips on fostering a work environment that has open communication about mental health.
How Racial Inequality Impacts Mental Health at Work.
Mental health at work is a critical issue, and racial inequality can make it worse. This article discusses the impact of racism on mental health and why it's essential to address it.
The Importance of Language When We Talk About Mental Health at Work
It's time to start changing attitudes about mental health in the workplace. Discover how to use language that supports, not shames, and encourages better communication for all about mental health in the workplace.
How to Talk to a Colleague Who Won't Manage Their Mental Health at Work.
Do you have a colleague who is refusing to be responsible for their own mental health? This post offers methods on how to effectively communicate with them, so you both can create greater understanding and accountability around the issue.
Talking About Mental Health in a Remote Work Environment.
We live in an age where more people are working remotely due to the coronavirus pandemic. What does this mean for our mental health? As we continue this way of work, we must be mindful about our mental health. There are many ways to stay connected while working from home and this article will give you tips on how to do so in practical ways.
Why Good Role Rodeling Matters for Workplace Mental Health Conversations.
It can be tough to be the first one to set an example for others, especially inside the workplace. But often, all it takes is one person with the right message at the right time to spark a fire and get people to pay attention. In this post, learn about how to role model when it comes to mental health in the workplace.
Mental Health at Work: Leading with Compassion While Promoting Employee Accountability.
Encouraging accountability while maintaining compassion is important for every workplace. Understanding what taking personal responsibility means and how to encourage it in employees who struggle with their mental health can go a long way toward helping them feel supported and cared about by their employer, while understanding the individual responsibility they have to speak up for, manage, and prioritize taking care of their mental health - even (and especially) at work.
5 Tips for Talking to Your Boss or HR About Your Mental Health at Work.
When you're struggling with stress or other mental health struggles, it can be hard to know where to turn when it comes to the workplace. But there are ways to get the support you need in order to feel supported, psychologically safe, and productive at work. In this article, I'll share some tips on talking to your boss or HR department about your mental health.
How to Cope With Going Back to the Office During the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Going back to the office during Covid? Are you ready to go back to the office after working from home for over two years? You're not alone if you don't know where to start. Read on for tips from mental health experts who understand (and have studied) what you’re going through.